Travel times
From Mizahar Lore
Contents |
This is the official listing of the distances between the Cities of Mizahar and the average travel times involved in moving from place to place. For the most part, the listed travel times are non-negotiable. Mizahar is a large, undeveloped land ripe with wonder and excitement but also haunted by the unknown, dangerous and deadly. One does not simply move from one city to another with ease. The idea of flourishing trade between cities and quick travel from one place to another simply doesn't exist.
This Lore Article is divided up by Region and then by City. Each city listing includes special information regarding travel as well as a travel chart. The travel chart displays one's destination when traveling from the starting city, the approximate distance between the starting city and the destination and the estimated travel time involved when traveling from the starting city to the destination city.
In the information section, one may find modifiers to travel times. For example, most travel between cities that includes wagons and cargo will add 10 days to the listed travel time. Another example involves the use of the Kabrin Road. Non-Syliran Knights who use the road will add 10 days to their listed travel time. These additional days are added to the listed travel times before any other modifiers are figured.
The other significant modifier to travel times is a multiplier added for Winter travel. This modifier is applicable to those cities that list it in their information section. It is usually x2.
An example of the modifiers to travel times goes like this:
A merchant wishing to travel from Syliras to Riverfall in hopes of plying his wares would travel the Kabrin Road for 1,550 miles. This journey is listed as taking 51 days to complete. Because he does not have access to the resources that the Syliran Knights do, he must add 10 days to his total travel time bringing it to a total of 61 days. He is also pulling a cart which adds 10 more days to his travel time for a total of 71 days. He isn't very intelligent as he undertakes this journey in Winter thus doubling his travel time from 71 days to 142 days. This will make such a journey impossible to do in a single season meaning that he may wish to wait until warmer temperatures.
Fun Fact: Sailing around the entire continent starting in Syliras and finishing back in Syliras consists of approximately 40,000+ miles of coastline.
Special Notes
Nuit and other Undead - While Nuit and other forms of undead do not require sleep, food or other elements essential to life, this does not mean they can travel 24 hours a day, non-stop, until finally reaching their destination. The Nuit body is fragile and weak at best. Nuit who do not take great care to rest, protect and maintain their bodies in the Summer will find travel wrought with difficulty. The heat will decay their bodies very fast leaving most who try to travel non-stop meeting their final death as their body ferments in the heat, rapidly rots and falls apart. In the Winter, the colder temperatures cause a Nuit great difficulty in moving their body. They don't exactly generate warmth and the dead flesh cools and freezes easily. Thus Nuit must follow the listed travel times just as anyone else.
Akvatari - Akvatari are capable of flight for extended periods of time however they still need eat, drink and sleep like any other living creature. They do not function well in flight at night due to their lack of nightvision or other enhanced senses like those of the zith. They do not fly for hours at a time without rest. On average, they can fly up to 60 miles in a day. Note that the Akvatari are not birds and thus are not designed for the same form of extended flight.
Zith - Zith are known to maintain large expanses of territory although do not typically undertake long treks over vast distances. They are not active during the day so they must hunt at night leaving a relatively limited amount of time left for actual travel. They are capable of traveling up to 50 miles per night in flight. Note that the zith are not birds and thus are not designed for the same form of extended flight.
Kelvic - Kelvic birds will find greater ease in extended travel. Non-dire Kelvic birds such as herons, hawks, crows, and similar small birds can expect to travel on average of 150 miles per day. Non-dire Kelvic ducks and geese can travel on average of 300 miles in a day.
Wind Eagles - Wind Eagles can fly up to 100 miles in a day.
Ghosts - Although ghosts are roughly as fast after death as they were in life, they do not require rest like the living do nor do they need to worry about the wear and tear on their bodies like nuit do. They do not however make it a point to regularly travel exceptionally long distances unless it somehow furthers the reason why they chose to remain in the world after death. In their natural, ethereal forms, ghosts can effectively cut in half all listed travel times and are not affected by Winter or any other natural modifiers to travel. They can travel day and night without pause however there is always a chance for an encounter of some sort to slow them down.
Travel by Foot - Travel times are figured with mounted travel as a focus. Travel by foot is not recommended due to the vast distances and dangers involved. There is the problem of carrying enough supplies to accomplish even the shortest of journeys on foot. For the vast majority of individuals, there is no easy way to resupply and few if any safe places to rest. Most who set out on foot are never seen again. However, those with the Wilderness Survival Skill can manage travel on foot with some degree of success. Novice (L1) Wilderness Survival will allow travel on foot however the listed travel times for the journey are doubled. Competent (L2) Wilderness Survival allows on to travel on foot at 1.5 times the listed travel times. Those with an Expert (L3) level of Wilderness Survival can manage travel on foot at the listed travel times while Masters (L4) can reduce their travel times to 3/4 the listed times. The idea being that you have a better chance of finding more food and water in the wilds (thus reducing your reliance on rations and the need to carry a lot of food and water with you). You will also have a better chance of finding/constructing shelters AND/OR locate the right site to set up tents or other portable shelters. Wilderness Survival also lets one find and follow animal trails and paths that are easier to traverse thus reducing the amount of time traveling overall.
Travel Expense/Preparation/Maintenance
One does not simply take off from Zeltiva for Riverfall without considering the supplies required in such a journey. Whenever traveling from one city to another, one must take into account the food requirement. If you are undertaking any journey from one city to another, you must have enough food to get you by and must be able to carry it thus the usual need for a mount. You must have at least enough rations to get you from your starting city to the next closest city along your way to your destination where you can then resupply. Keep in mind also the wear and tear on your clothing and gear.
There are four things one must account for when preparing for a long journey between cities; Mode of Transport, Food, Water, Shelter. One can accomplish this by either starting play with the Roaming Wanderer housing package or purchasing the items included in the package before undertaking the journey.
(1 large tent (4 person), large tarp, 100 ft of rope, flint & steel, lantern, 2 torches, bedroll, blanket, fishing tackle & hooks, a compass, a riding horse, a full set of tack, and a large set of saddlebags. See Horses for the breed of mount you want to pick. However, keep your horse value right around 200 gm or less, which excludes Sungolds and Tiaden Warhorses.) This package, along with the basic items all characters begin play with, will give the simple necessities required for extended travel. In addition to this, you would need to purchase enough rations to cover the length of the journey (30 days of travel = 30 days of rations) or have the Hunting and/or Wilderness Survival Skill to find your own food along the way.
These are the minimum requirements thus one can always have more such as wagons and carts that can serve as more secure shelter and/or carry more food and supplies. The average riding horse can carry 30 days of rations and supplies as well as the rider. A pack horse that isn't carrying a rider and is just carrying food and general supplies for one person can carry up to 90 days of rations. Wagons and carts can effectively carry all the food and supplies needed for any Seasonal journey. The average human, on foot, can carry up to 30 days of rations and supplies.
Wilderness Survival - This skill will allow one to extend their food supplies during a long journey. For each level, one can extend their food supply for a specific journey by a number of days. At Novice (L1) one can add 7 days to their food supplies. At Competent (L2) they can add 14 days to their food supply. At Expert (L3) they can add 30 days and at Master (L4) they can live indefinitely off the land and thus do not need to worry about food supply. NPC companions and guides with these skills will have to divide the number of added days by the number of people they are providing for. Thus if an NPC with Novice Wilderness Survival is trying to find food for themselves and one other, they will only be able to add 3 days for each (7 days divided in half and rounded down).
Hunting/Fishing - These skills work like Wilderness Survival when it comes to adding to one's food supply but these two skills do not aid in reducing travel times.
Estimated Average Cost of Extended City to City Travel - 470 gm + 1 gm/2 days of rations.
So if one were to travel 60 days from one city to another, it would cost them 500 gm. Note that the initial cost of equipment (470 gm) is more or less a one time purchase. This means that once you have the gear, you will not have to purchase it again and again every time you travel. You will only need to pay for the rations and any other items you may have used up or lost during each journey. If you already purchased the gear as a part of your housing package, then all you need to do is pay for the rations or anything else that may have been used up or lost during a journey.
Update Information
The addition of Established Sea Routes and Sea Travel has finally arrived. The Sea Routes section of Syliras' travel times has become an example of scale to give an idea of just how many miles it is from Syliras to a few other cities. More detailed charts have been added that include actual established sea routes. Travel outside of these routes will take far longer and in many cases will simply not be possible. More updates to come in the future including possible tweaks and expansion of the Sea Route section.
Sylira Region
Land Routes
No significant roads lead from Nyka to any other overland city. The cities listed for overland movement include only those that could be reached by mount within a single season. Listed travel times assume modest mounted travel at 8-10 hours per day. Terrain is taken into consideration. More time spent traveling per day may only lessen the travel time by a couple of days at most. Travel from Nyka to Karjin or Novallas is easier once entering the tundra. Wagons and extra cargo add 10 days to listed travel times. Winter travel doubles travel times.
Destination | Aprox. Distance | Travel Time |
Ravok | 400 miles | 27 days |
Syliras | 740 miles | 50 days |
Karjin | 1,175 miles | 78 days |
Novallas | 710 miles | 32 days |
Land Routes
No significant roads lead from Ravok to any other overland city. The cities listed for overland movement include only those that could be reached by mount within a single season. Listed travel times assume modest mounted travel at 8-10 hours per day. Terrain is taken into consideration. More time spent traveling per day may only lessen the travel time by a couple of days at most. Travel from Ravok to Novallas or Karjin is made a little easier once entering the tundra. Wagons and extra cargo add 10 days to travel times and winter travel doubles travel times.
Destination | Aprox. Distance | Travel Time |
Nyka | 400 miles | 27 days |
Novallas | 700 miles | 31 days |
Karjin | 1,350 miles | 75 days |
Land Routes
No significant roads lead from Sunberth to any other overland city. The cities listed for overland movement include only those that could be reached by mount within a single season. Listed travel times assume modest mounted travel at 8-10 hours per day. Terrain is taken into consideration. More time spent traveling per day may only lessen the travel time by a couple of days at most. Wagons and extra cargo add 10 days to travel times and winter travel doubles travel times.
Destination | Aprox. Distance | Travel Time |
Zeltiva | 950 miles | 63 days |
Land Routes
The Kabrin Road offers the fastest travel from Syliras to a number of other cities (Kenash, Zeltiva and Riverfall). The cities listed for overland movement include only those that could be reached by mount within a single season. Listed travel times assume modest mounted travel at 8-10 hours per day. Terrain is taken into consideration. More time spent traveling per day may only lessen the travel time by a couple of days at most. Listed travel times on the Kabrin Road are for the Syliran Knights as they have access to more locations and resources; fresh horses, etc. Travel to Karjin and Novallas is made easier due to tundra. Non-knights add 10 days to listed travel times (only for Kenash, Zeltiva and Riverfall). Wagons and extra cargo add another 10 days. Winter travel doubles travel times.
Destination | Aprox. Distance | Travel Time |
Zeltiva | 900 miles | 30 days |
Kenash | 900 miles | 30 days |
Riverfall | 1,550 miles | 51 days |
Karjin | 950 miles | 50 days |
Novallas | 900 miles | 33 days |
Land Routes
The Kabrin Road offers the fastest travel from Zeltiva to other cities (Kenash, Zeltiva and Riverfall). The cities listed for overland movement include only those that could be reached by mount within a single season. Listed travel times assume modest mounted travel at 8-10 hours per day. Terrain is taken into consideration. More time spent traveling per day may only lessen the travel time by a couple of days at most. Listed travel times on the Kabrin Road are for the Syliran Knights as they have access to more locations and resources; fresh horses, supplies, etc. Non-knights add 10 days to listed travel times (For Syliras, Kenash and Riverfall only). Wagons and extra cargo add another 10 days. Travel times are doubled during the winter.
Destination | Aprox. Distance | Travel Time |
Syliras | 900 miles | 30 days |
Kenash | 1,800 miles | 60 days |
Riverfall | 2,450 miles | 82 days |
Lisnar | 450 miles | 30 days |
Sunberth | 950 miles | 64 days |
Nyka | 1,010 miles | 68 days |
Taldera Region
No significant roads lead from Avanthal to any other overland city. The cities listed for overland movement include only those that could be reached by mount within a single season. Listed travel times assume modest mounted travel at 8-10 hours per day. Terrain is taken into consideration. More time spent traveling per day may only lessen the travel time by a couple of days at most. Travel in Taldera is easier than most other areas due to the over-sized landscapes and flat tundra. Wagons and extra cargo add 10 days to travel times and winter travel doubles travel times.
Destination | Aprox. Distance | Travel Time |
Spires | 650 miles | 32 days |
Karjin | 1,230 miles | 61 days |
Novallas | 1,460 miles | 73 days |
Denval | 1,210 miles | 82 days |
Land Routes
No significant roads lead from Karjin to any other overland city. The cities listed for overland movement include only those that could be reached by mount within a single season. Listed travel times assume modest mounted travel at 8-10 hours per day. Terrain is taken into consideration. More time spent traveling per day may only lessen the travel time by a couple of days at most. Travel in Taldera is easier than most other areas due to the over-sized landscapes and flat tundra. Wagons and extra cargo add 10 days to travel times and winter travel doubles travel times.
Destination | Aprox. Distance | Travel Time |
Novallas | 800 miles | 40 days |
Spires | 675 miles | 34 days |
Avanthal | 1,230 miles | 61 days |
Syliras | 950 miles | 50 days |
Nyka | 1,175 miles | 78 days |
Ravok | 1,350 miles | 75 days |
Land Routes
No significant roads lead from Spires to any other overland city. The cities listed for overland movement include only those that could be reached by mount within a single season. Listed travel times assume modest mounted travel at 8-10 hours per day. Terrain is taken into consideration. More time spent traveling per day may only lessen the travel time by a couple of days at most. Travel in Taldera is easier than most other areas due to the over-sized landscapes and flat tundra. Wagons and extra cargo add 10 days to travel times and winter travel doubles travel times.
Destination | Aprox. Distance | Travel Time |
Karjin | 675 miles | 34 days |
Avanthal | 650 miles | 33 days |
Novallas | 1,120 miles | 56 days |
Denval | 600 miles | 45 days |
Land Routes
No significant roads lead from Novallas to any other overland city. The cities listed for overland movement include only those that could be reached by mount within a single season. Listed travel times assume modest mounted travel at 8-10 hours per day. Terrain is taken into consideration. More time spent traveling per day may only lessen the travel time by a couple of days at most. Travel in Taldera is easier than most other areas due to the over-sized landscapes and flat tundra. Wagons and extra cargo add 10 days to travel times and winter travel doubles travel times.
Destination | Aprox. Distance | Travel Time |
Spires | 1,120 miles | 56 days |
Karjin | 800 miles | 40 days |
Avanthal | 1,460 miles | 73 days |
Syliras | 900 miles | 33 days |
Nyka | 710 miles | 32 days |
Ravok | 700 miles | 31 days |
Cyphrus Region
Endrykas - Winter
Land Routes
Endrykas is a wandering city whose location changes with each season. While there aren't any significant roads leading from Endrykas to any other overland city, parts of the Kabrin Road may be used to shorten the distance. The cities listed for overland movement include only those that could be reached by mount within a single season. Listed travel times assume modest mounted travel at 8-10 hours per day. Terrain is taken into consideration as is the occasional use of the Kabrin Road. Note that approximate distance between Endrykas and other cities is a very rough estimate as their position each season isn't exactly the same as that of the past. More time spent traveling per day may only lessen the travel time by a couple of days at most. Travel in Cyphrus is easier than many other areas due to the relatively open, rolling grasslands. Wagons and extra cargo add 10 days to travel times and winter travel doubles travel times.
Destination | Aprox. Distance | Travel Time |
Riverfall | 562 miles | 29 days |
Kenash | 675 miles | 34 days |
Claridon | 340 miles | 17 days |
Ahnatep | 335 miles | 17 days |
Syliras | 1,575 miles | 74 days |
Endrykas - Spring
Land Routes
Endrykas is a wandering city whose location changes with each season. While there aren't any significant roads leading from Endrykas to any other overland city, parts of the Kabrin Road may be used to shorten the distance. The cities listed for overland movement include only those that could be reached by mount within a single season. Listed travel times assume modest mounted travel at 8-10 hours per day. Terrain is taken into consideration as is the occasional use of the Kabrin Road. Note that approximate distance between Endrykas and other cities is a very rough estimate as their position each season isn't exactly the same as that of the past. More time spent traveling per day may only lessen the travel time by a couple of days at most. Travel in Cyphrus is easier than many other areas due to the relatively open, rolling grasslands. Wagons and extra cargo add 10 days to travel times.
Destination | Aprox. Distance | Travel Time |
Riverfall | 225 miles | 12 days |
Kenash | 450 miles | 23 days |
Claridon | 900 miles | 45 days |
Ahnatep | 910 miles | 46 days |
Syliras | 1,350 miles | 68 days |
Endrykas - Summer
Land Routes
Endrykas is a wandering city whose location changes with each season. While there aren't any significant roads leading from Endrykas to any other overland city, parts of the Kabrin Road may be used to shorten the distance. The cities listed for overland movement include only those that could be reached by mount within a single season. Listed travel times assume modest mounted travel at 8-10 hours per day. Terrain is taken into consideration as is the occasional use of the Kabrin Road. Note that approximate distance between Endrykas and other cities is a very rough estimate as their position each season isn't exactly the same as that of the past. More time spent traveling per day may only lessen the travel time by a couple of days at most. Travel in Cyphrus is easier than many other areas due to the relatively open, rolling grasslands. Wagons and extra cargo add 10 days to travel times.
Destination | Aprox. Distance | Travel Time |
Riverfall | 825 miles | 41 days |
Kenash | 225 miles | 12 days |
Claridon | 675 miles | 34 days |
Ahnatep | 1,050 miles | 53 days |
Syliras | 670 miles | 33 days |
Zeltiva | 1,570 miles | 63 days |
Endrykas - Fall
Land Routes
Endrykas is a wandering city whose location changes with each season. While there aren't any significant roads leading from Endrykas to any other overland city, parts of the Kabrin Road may be used to shorten the distance. The cities listed for overland movement include only those that could be reached by mount within a single season. Listed travel times assume modest mounted travel at 8-10 hours per day. Terrain is taken into consideration as is the occasional use of the Kabrin Road. Note that approximate distance between Endrykas and other cities is a very rough estimate as their position each season isn't exactly the same as that of the past. More time spent traveling per day may only lessen the travel time by a couple of days at most. Travel in Cyphrus is easier than many other areas due to the relatively open, rolling grasslands. Wagons and extra cargo add 10 days to travel times.
Destination | Aprox. Distance | Travel Time |
Riverfall | 1,015 miles | 51 days |
Kenash | 675 miles | 34 days |
Claridon | 450 miles | 23 days |
Ahnatep | 785 miles | 40 days |
Syliras | 1,020 miles | 74 days |
Zeltiva | 900 miles | 60 days |
Lisnar | 1,125 miles | 75 days |
Land Routes
The Kabrin Road offers the fastest travel from Riverfall to a number of other cities (Kenash, Zeltiva and Syliras). The cities listed for overland movement include only those that could be reached by mount within a single season. Listed travel times assume modest mounted travel at 8-10 hours per day. Terrain is taken into consideration. More time spent traveling per day may only lessen the travel time by a couple of days at most. Listed travel times on the Kabrin Road are for the Syliran Knights as they have access to more locations and resources; fresh horses, etc. Roadless travel on the grasslands is not as difficult as forest travel. Non-knights add 10 days to listed travel times (Only applies to Kenash, Zeltiva and Syliras). Wagons and extra cargo add another 10 days. Winter travel doubles travel times.
Destination | Aprox. Distance | Travel Time |
Zeltiva | 2,450 miles | 82 days |
Syliras | 1,550 miles | 51 days |
Kenash | 600 miles | 20 days |
Claridon | 788 miles | 40 days |
Ahnatep | 880 miles | 45 days |
Eloab | 915 miles | 56 days |
Hai | 910 miles | 55 days |
Land Routes
The Kabrin Road offers the fastest travel from Kenash to a number of other cities (Riverfall, Zeltiva and Syliras). The cities listed for overland movement include only those that could be reached by mount within a single season. Listed travel times assume modest mounted travel at 8-10 hours per day. Terrain is taken into consideration. More time spent traveling per day may only lessen the travel time by a couple of days at most. Listed travel times on the Kabrin Road are for the Syliran Knights as they have access to more locations and resources; fresh horses, etc. Roadless travel on the grasslands is not as difficult as forest travel. Non-knights add 10 days to listed travel times (Only applies to Kenash, Zeltiva and Syliras). Wagons and extra cargo add another 10 days. Winter travel doubles travel times.
Destination | Aprox. Distance | Travel Time |
Hai | 1,245 miles | 72 days |
Eloab | 1,237 miles | 71 days |
Ahnatep | 915 miles | 49 days |
Claridon | 720 miles | 36 days |
Riverfall | 600 miles | 20 days |
Zeltiva | 1,800 miles | 60 days |
Syliras | 900 miles | 30 days |
Land Routes
There are no overland roads leading from Claridon to any other city. The cities listed for overland movement include only those that could be reached by mount within a single season. Listed travel times assume modest mounted travel at 8-10 hours per day. Terrain is taken into consideration. More time spent traveling per day may only lessen the travel time by a couple of days at most. Roadless travel on the grasslands is not as difficult as forest travel. Wagons and extra cargo add another 10 days. Winter travel doubles travel times.
Destination | Aprox. Distance | Travel Time |
Kenash | 720 miles | 36 days |
Riverfall | 788 miles | 40 days |
Ahnatep | 337 miles | 18 days |
Hai | 787 miles | 49 days |
Eloab | 875 miles | 54 days |
Wadrass | 1,212 miles | 77 days |
Eyktol Region
There are no overland roads leading from Ahnatep to any other city. The cities listed for overland movement include only those that could be reached by mount within a single season. Listed travel times assume modest mounted travel at 8-10 hours per day. Terrain is taken into consideration. More time spent traveling per day may only lessen the travel time by a couple of days at most. Travel in the desert is not as easy as travel in some other regions. Heat, sand and dunes make travel somewhat slow. Wagons and extra cargo add another 10 days.
Destination | Aprox. Distance | Travel Time |
Claridon | 337 miles | 18 days |
Riverfall | 880 miles | 45 days |
Kenash | 915 miles | 49 days |
Hai | 450 miles | 30 days |
Eloab | 562 miles | 38 days |
Wadrass | 870 miles | 58 days |
Land Routes
There are no overland roads leading from Wadrass to any other city. The cities listed for overland movement include only those that could be reached by mount within a single season. Listed travel times assume modest mounted travel at 8-10 hours per day. Terrain is taken into consideration. More time spent traveling per day may only lessen the travel time by a couple of days at most. Travel in the desert is not as easy as travel in some other regions. Heat, sand and dunes make travel somewhat slow. Wagons and extra cargo add another 10 days.
Destination | Aprox. Distance | Travel Time |
Ahnatep | 870 miles | 58 days |
Claridon | 1,212 miles | 77 days |
Hai | 450 miles | 30 days |
Eloab | 337 miles | 23 days |
Land Routes
There are no overland roads leading from Eloab to any other city. The cities listed for overland movement include only those that could be reached by mount within a single season. Listed travel times assume modest mounted travel at 8-10 hours per day. Terrain is taken into consideration. More time spent traveling per day may only lessen the travel time by a couple of days at most. Travel in the desert is not as easy as travel in some other regions. Heat, sand and dunes make travel somewhat slow. Wagons and extra cargo add another 10 days.
Destination | Aprox. Distance | Travel Time |
Wadrass | 337 miles | 23 days |
Ahnatep | 562 miles | 38 days |
Claridon | 875 miles | 54 days |
Kenash | 1,237 miles | 54 days |
Riverfall | 915 miles | 56 days |
Hai | 338 miles | 23 days |
Land Routes
There are no overland roads leading from Hai to any other city. The cities listed for overland movement include only those that could be reached by mount within a single season. Listed travel times assume modest mounted travel at 8-10 hours per day. Terrain is taken into consideration. More time spent traveling per day may only lessen the travel time by a couple of days at most. Travel in the desert is not as easy as travel in some other regions. Heat, sand and dunes make travel somewhat slow. Wagons and extra cargo add another 10 days.
Destination | Aprox. Distance | Travel Time |
Eloab | 338 miles | 23 days |
Wadrass | 450 miles | 30 days |
Ahnatep | 450 miles | 30 days |
Claridon | 787 miles | 49 days |
Kenash | 1,245 miles | 72 days |
Riverfall | 910 miles | 55 days |
Land Routes
There are no overland roads leading from Taloba to any other city. The cities listed for overland movement include only those that could be reached by mount within a single season. Listed travel times assume a mix of modest mounted travel (when the jungle allows) and foot travel at 8-10 hours per day. Terrain is taken into consideration. More time spent traveling per day may only lessen the travel time by a couple of days at most. Travel in the jungle is perhaps the most difficult terrain to traverse due to the heat, moisture, thick plant-life and natural dangers. The journey from Taloba to Zinrah is very short thanks to the inland sea that allows travel by boat thus avoiding the obstacle of the jungle. Wagons and extra cargo add another 20 days in the jungle (not when traveling to Zinrah).
Destination | Aprox. Distance | Travel Time |
Charbosi | 850 miles | 85 days |
Syka | 480 miles | 48 days |
Zinrah | 340 miles | 5 days |
Kalinor | 790 miles | 76 days |
Land Routes
There are no overland roads leading from Zinrah to any other city. The cities listed for overland movement include only those that could be reached by mount within a single season. Listed travel times assume a mix of modest mounted travel (when the jungle allows) and foot travel at 8-10 hours per day. Terrain is taken into consideration. More time spent traveling per day may only lessen the travel time by a couple of days at most. Travel in the jungle is perhaps the most difficult terrain to traverse due to the heat, moisture, thick plant-life and natural dangers. The journey from Zinrah to Taloba is very short thanks to the inland sea that allows travel by boat thus avoiding the obstacle of the jungle. Wagons and extra cargo add another 20 days in the jungle (not when traveling to Taloba).
Destination | Aprox. Distance | Travel Time | |
Taloba | 340 miles | 5 days | |
Syka | 787 miles | 79 days | |
Charbosi | 675 miles | 66 days | |
Kalinor | 565 miles | 54 days |
Land Routes
There are no overland roads leading from Charbosi to any other city. The cities listed for overland movement include only those that could be reached by mount within a single season. Listed travel times assume a mix of modest mounted travel (when the jungle allows) and foot travel at 8-10 hours per day. Terrain is taken into consideration. More time spent traveling per day may only lessen the travel time by a couple of days at most. Travel in the jungle is perhaps the most difficult terrain to traverse due to the heat, moisture, thick plant-life and natural dangers. Wagons and extra cargo add another 20 days in the jungle.
Destination | Aprox. Distance | Travel Time | |
Zinrah | 675 miles | 66 days | |
Taloba | 850 miles | 85 days | |
Syka | 875 miles | 88 days |
Land Routes
There are no overland roads leading from Syka to any other city. The cities listed for overland movement include only those that could be reached by mount within a single season. Listed travel times assume a mix of modest mounted travel (when the jungle allows) and foot travel at 8-10 hours per day. Terrain is taken into consideration. More time spent traveling per day may only lessen the travel time by a couple of days at most. Travel in the jungle is perhaps the most difficult terrain to traverse due to the heat, moisture, thick plant-life and natural dangers. Wagons and extra cargo add another 20 days in the jungle. Syka has regular trade with Riverfall and the journey is just a few short days - 3 - to cross the Suvan at this narrow point in the inland sea.
Destination | Aprox. Distance | Travel Time |
Zinrah | 787 miles | 79 days |
Taloba | 480 miles | 48 days |
Charbosi | 875 miles | 88 days |
Kalea Region
Land Routes
There are no overland roads leading from Alvadas to any other city. The cities listed for overland movement include a number of cities that can't be reached in a single season. This is meant to give perspective to just how difficult it can be traveling in Kalea. Listed travel times assume a mix of mounted travel (when the mountains allow) and foot travel at 8-10 hours per day. Terrain is taken into consideration. More time spent traveling per day may only lessen the travel time by a couple of days at most. Travel in Kalea is only possible in the foothills that line the outside perimeter of the region thus travel between cities requires longer treks. Wagons and extra cargo add another 10 days. Winter travel doubles the travel times. Above ground travel to and from Sultros is impossible without the aid of the Isur and their underground tunnel network. Distance and travel time listed for Sultros is for Isur or those aided by the Isur (the latter not being likely to most)
Destination | Aprox. Distance | Travel Time |
Denval | 1,250 miles | 115 days |
Kalinor | 1,350 miles | 124 days |
Lhavit | 1,850 miles | 170 days |
Sultros* | 788 miles | 53 days |
Windreach | 2,375 miles | 218 days |
Land Routes
There are no overland roads leading from Denval to any other city. The cities listed for overland movement include a number of cities that can't be reached in a single season. This is meant to give perspective to just how difficult it can be traveling in Kalea. Listed travel times assume a mix of mounted travel (when the mountains allow) and foot travel at 8-10 hours per day. Terrain is taken into consideration. More time spent traveling per day may only lessen the travel time by a couple of days at most. Travel in Kalea is only possible in the foothills that line the outside perimeter of the region thus travel between cities requires longer treks. Wagons and extra cargo add another 10 days. Winter travel doubles the travel times. Above ground travel to and from Sultros is impossible without the aid of the Isur and their underground tunnel network. Distance and travel time listed for Sultros is for Isur or those aided by the Isur (the latter not being likely to most)
Destination | Aprox. Distance | Travel Time |
Kalinor | 1,350 miles | 124 days |
Lhavit | 1,850 miles | 170 days |
Sultros* | 788 miles | 53 days |
Windreach | 2,375 miles | 218 days |
Land Routes
There are no overland roads leading from Sultros to any other city. Travel to and from Sultros is done mainly through the vast tunnel system built and maintained by the Isur. Some above ground travel is also involved although it is quite limited. Listed travel times are given for those who are Isur or who have somehow gained the aid of the Isur thus being allowed use of the tunnels. It also takes into account mixed mounted and foot travel without concern for the extreme environment conditions of Kalea as nearly all travel occurs underground. Travel times listed assume 8-10 hours of travel per day. More time spent traveling per day may only lessen the travel time by a couple of days at most. The Isur maintain posts for rest and resupply along the way. Wagons and extra cargo add another 10 days. Use of Isurian tunnels will bring one to the closest point possible to another city. Most above ground travel takes place from that point on to the destination city itself.
Destination | Aprox. Distance | Travel Time |
Alvadas | 788 miles | 53 days |
Denval | 500 miles | 34 days |
Kalinor | 775 miles | 52 days |
Lhavit | 900 miles | 60 days |
Windreach | 1,012 miles | 76 days |
Land Routes
There are no overland roads leading from Kalinor to any other city. The cities listed for overland movement include a number of cities that can't be reached in a single season. This is meant to give perspective to just how difficult it can be traveling in Kalea. Listed travel times assume a mix of mounted travel (when the mountains allow) and foot travel at 8-10 hours per day. Terrain is taken into consideration. More time spent traveling per day may only lessen the travel time by a couple of days at most. Travel in Kalea is only possible in the foothills that line the outside perimeter of the region thus travel between cities requires longer treks. Wagons and extra cargo add another 10 days. Winter travel doubles the travel times. Above ground travel to and from Sultros is impossible without the aid of the Isur and their underground tunnel network. Distance and travel time listed for Sultros is for Isur or those aided by the Isur (the latter not being likely to most)
Destination | Aprox. Distance | Travel Time |
Alvadas | 1,350 miles | 124 days |
Denval | 2,600 miles | 239 days |
Sultros* | 775 miles | 52 days |
Lhavit | 500 miles | 46 days |
Windreach | 1,450 miles | 133 days |
Taloba | 790 miles | 76 days |
Zinrah | 565 miles | 54 days |
Land Routes
There are no overland roads leading from Lhavit to any other city. The cities listed for overland movement include a number of cities that can't be reached in a single season. This is meant to give perspective to just how difficult it can be traveling in Kalea. Listed travel times assume a mix of mounted travel (when the mountains allow) and foot travel at 8-10 hours per day. Terrain is taken into consideration. More time spent traveling per day may only lessen the travel time by a couple of days at most. Travel in Kalea is only possible in the foothills that line the outside perimeter of the region thus travel between cities requires longer treks. Wagons and extra cargo add another 10 days. Winter travel doubles the travel times. Above ground travel to and from Sultros is impossible without the aid of the Isur and their underground tunnel network. Distance and travel time listed for Sultros is for Isur or those aided by the Isur (the latter not being likely to most)
Destination | Aprox. Distance | Travel Time |
Alvadas | 1,850 miles | 170 days |
Denval | 1,400 miles | 128 days |
Sultros* | 900 miles | 60 days |
Kalinor | 500 miles | 46 days |
Windreach | 950 miles | 87 days |
Land Routes
There are no overland roads leading from Windreach to any other city. The cities listed for overland movement include a number of cities that can't be reached in a single season. This is meant to give perspective to just how difficult it can be traveling in Kalea. Listed travel times assume a mix of mounted travel (when the mountains allow) and foot travel at 8-10 hours per day. Terrain is taken into consideration. More time spent traveling per day may only lessen the travel time by a couple of days at most. Travel in Kalea is only possible in the foothills that line the outside perimeter of the region thus travel between cities requires longer treks. Wagons and extra cargo add another 10 days. Winter travel doubles the travel times. Above ground travel to and from Sultros is impossible without the aid of the Isur and their underground tunnel network. Distance and travel time listed for Sultros is for Isur or those aided by the Isur (the latter not being likely to most)
In regards to Wind Eagles; a Wind Eagle can safely travel 100 miles in a day thus they are capable of traveling vast distances with relative ease.
Destination | Aprox. Distance | Travel Time |
Alvadas | 2,375 miles | 218 days |
Denval | 1,125 miles | 103 days |
Sultros* | 1,012 miles | 76 days |
Kalinor | 1,450 miles | 133 days |
Lhavit | 950 miles | 87 days |
Sea Travel
Sea Travel In Mizahar, travel by sea can often cut down the time spent moving from one city to another sometimes by quite a bit. However, sea travel is no less dangerous than overland travel. Storms are one of the biggest threats to sea travel. While the northern Suvan Sea is relatively calm, the further south one travels it, the greater the threat. The closer one gets to the open ocean the greater the potential for weather-based calamity. The ocean coasts of Mizahar often fall victim to heavy winds, storm surges and even at times, hurricanes. Because of this, ships often keep close to the coast. While still risky, it is far safer than being caught in the open ocean where ships can be swallowed by the waves, lost forever to Laviku.
In addition to the threats posed by storms, pirates are a very real threat to ships. Since weather tends to keep ships close to the coast, pirates take full advantage of this fact and plague the few shipping lanes that do exist in post-Valterrian times. Pirates can also be found preying on ships that seek to avoid the established shipping lanes making any sort of sea travel risky.
If storms and pirates weren’t dangerous enough, there is always the threat posed by the denizens of the sea. The Valterrian shattered and reshaped the flora and fauna on land but it also did the same to Mizahar’s seas and oceans. The waves of wild djed released during the cataclysmic destruction centuries ago warped many creatures of the sea, creating truly frightening creatures. Monstrous octopi, gargantuan sharks and even more twisted and nightmarish monsters haunt the waters of Mizahar. Many a sailor has reported sightings of terrible beasts large enough to drag ships to the depths with some rumored to be large enough to swallow ships whole.
Despite the dangers of sea travel, many a brave or foolish individual takes to the waters to live in whatever way best suits them; be they merchant, pirate or simply as someone who enjoys being close to Laviku and all that he has to offer. As mentioned, there are few established Sea Routes in Mizahar. It is not just the potential risks that keep the number of established routes low but also the cost. It is expensive to maintain a ship of the size necessary to travel long distances. Costs to employ a crew, costs of supplies and costs associated with the risks involved can get quite hefty. Because of this, there are only a handful of longer routes while smaller ones are a bit more plentiful. The problem with long journeys at sea is that unless there is profit to be made comparable to the risks involved, most sailors simply won’t do it. Also, longer journeys also require more frequent stops to be made for supplies, repairs and sometimes even just to get off the ship for a while.
Sea Routes
Travel by sea assumes the use of an appropriately sized ship traveling at an average speed. Typical weather conditions are taken into account as is time allowed for stopping at nearby ports for general maintenance and resupply. Travel time assumes travel during the day and night. Times also take into account the need to hug the coast at times while also sailing in more open waters when possible. The listed times do not take into consideration major environmental obstacles such as extreme storms or other unforeseen encounters. Travel may take longer than listed times but not less time.
Syliras Travel Times Example
This chart offers an example of the approximate distance and time required to travel from Syliras to other cities by water. These however are NOT all considered established sea routes and are merely mentioned for sense of scale.
Destination | Aprox. Distance | Travel Time |
Alvadas | 1,000 miles | 15 days |
Karjin | 650 miles | 11 days |
Kenash | 1,550 miles | 25 days |
Riverfall | 2,800 miles | 45 days |
Black Rock | 3,150 miles | 50 days |
Wadrass | 3,825 miles | 61 days |
Ahnatep | 4,725 miles | 75 days |
Akvatar | 5,175 miles | 83 days |
Darva | 6,025 miles | 96 days |
Lisnar | 6,700 miles | 107 days |
Zeltiva | 7,850 miles | 125 days |
Established Sea Routes
These routes are considered established because they include ease of access to adequate ports as well as possibly being patrolled by local private and/or government forces which help maintain safety and security whenever possible. An established sea route is usually short in distance although there is one particular route that extends a rather long distance. Syliras to Zeltiva, while an immense distance, offers a number of ports along the way that makes such a journey possible.
Route | Aprox. Distance (to/from) | Travel Time | Ports |
Riverfall-Syka | 200 miles | 2 days | Riverfall, Syka |
Sunberth-Sahova | 210 miles | 2 days | Sunberth, Sahova |
Syliras-Karjin | 650 miles | 11 days | Syliras, Karjin |
Zeltiva-Sunberth | 1,105 miles | 18 days | Zeltiva, Sunberth |
Lhavit-Avanthal | 1,115 miles | 18 days | Lhavit, Denval, Avanthal |
Sahova-Nyka | 1,200 miles | 19 days | Sahova, Nyka |
Syliras-Zeltiva | 7,850 miles | 125 days | Syliras, Alvadas, Kenash, Riverfall, Blackrock, Akvatar, Claridon, Darva, Lisnar, Zeltiva |
Travel outside of these specific routes will take, on average, half again as long as it would take to travel a comparable distance along these routes. This is due to the lack of ports and thus greater difficulty in resupplying and repairing. This requires ships to anchor off the coast in certain areas in order to attempt repairs and to go ashore to gather supplies. Ship captains prefer to remain in the established routes not only because it is relatively safer but also because it is there that they have a greater potential for reward vs risk. This is why there isn’t an established sea route between Syliras and the west coast of Mizahar. Once one reaches Black Rock on the way from Syliras to Lhavit, there aren’t any ports between Black Rock and Lhavit. So, from Black Rock to Lhavit, a distance that if traveled along an established sea route would take 86 days, would take 129 days. Also, there aren't really any northern sea routes due not only to the lack of ports but also the frigid temperatures. In the future, if ports are somehow established on the east and west coasts, established trade routes may be possible thus reducing the amount of time needed to travel to those areas.
Route | Aprox. Distance (to/from) | Travel Time | Ports |
Black Rock-Lhavit | 5,330 miles | 129 days | Black Rock, Lhavit |
Syliras-Lhavit | 7,505 miles | 181 days | Syliras, Alvadas, Kenash, Riverfall, Blackrock, Lhavit |