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Price list (Income)

From Mizahar Lore

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| {{Popup|Veterinarian|Animals are an essential part of life and living in Mizahar. Horses, livestock, pets, all require health maintenance and it is the local veterinarian who helps.  Although medicine and herbalism skills are extremely helpful, the primary skill of any vet is Animal Husbandry.  It is this skill that is required above all others in order to gain access to this occupation.}} | 6 gm  
| {{Popup|Veterinarian|Animals are an essential part of life and living in Mizahar. Horses, livestock, pets, all require health maintenance and it is the local veterinarian who helps.  Although medicine and herbalism skills are extremely helpful, the primary skill of any vet is Animal Husbandry.  It is this skill that is required above all others in order to gain access to this occupation.}} | 6 gm  
| {{Popup|Engineer/Architect|While anyone can throw together a crude hut or tattered tent, it takes skill to build durable structures.  More commonly found in cities or in societies who value durable buildings, engineers and/or architects are valued no matter they are located.  (Architecture is required to gain access to this occupation although masonry and carpentry are also helpful.)}} | 6 gm
| {{Popup|Engineer/Architect|While anyone can throw together a crude hut or tattered tent, it takes skill to build durable structures.  More commonly found in cities or in societies who value durable buildings, engineers and/or architects are valued no matter they are located.  (Architecture is required to gain access to this occupation although masonry and carpentry are also helpful.)}} | 6 gm
| {{Popup|Cartographer|Rare in a world where most people choose not to travel due to the dangers involved, those who can accurately create maps of cities and regions are still in need.  Merchants and explorers often use maps to help them get around while cities often employ them to create and update maps used for city operations.}} | 6 gm
| {{Popup|Blacksmith|Blacksmiths are a common fixture in nearly every city and surrounding villages. Responsible for the construction of tools and implements needed in every aspect of society, blacksmiths are relatively common but invaluable nonetheless.  (Must have the black-smithing skill to gain access to this occupation.)}} | 6 gm
| {{Popup|Blacksmith|Blacksmiths are a common fixture in nearly every city and surrounding villages. Responsible for the construction of tools and implements needed in every aspect of society, blacksmiths are relatively common but invaluable nonetheless.  (Must have the black-smithing skill to gain access to this occupation.)}} | 6 gm
| {{Popup|Beekeeper|Beekeepers are somewhat rare outside of larger cities where demand for honey is greater.  They tend to a number of hives and help maintain the health of their hives while harvesting as much sweet honey as they can.}} | 6 gm
| {{Popup|Beekeeper|Beekeepers are somewhat rare outside of larger cities where demand for honey is greater.  They tend to a number of hives and help maintain the health of their hives while harvesting as much sweet honey as they can.}} | 6 gm

Revision as of 01:58, 16 January 2012


(Note: Characters may only receive a regular income after arranging it with a storyteller.)

Income received from performing a job varies greatly and depends on not only the job itself but also the skill and ability of the worker. City structure can also play an important role as well. In smaller cities of limited wealth and resources, worker income may be less than what it would be in larger cities with greater wealth. A city that prides itself in its mining operations may value miners and masons more than others thus the income of such occupations may also be greater. Below is a list of sample professions and their basic daily income. This assumes that the worker has at least a Novice (L1) level in the primary skill of that profession. As you will see, income may vary greatly but in general, falls within 1 and 10 gold mizas per day. From the list we can also see that jobs requiring more specialized skills offer a greater income but also require more responsibility. Those who fall behind in their job duties may see a reduction in pay or even the loss of their job.

As a person becomes more experienced and acquires a greater level of ability in skills that relate to their job, they may expect a greater income. For job-related skills of Competent (L2), income general increases by half again as much (rounded down). Thus an alchemist making 7 gm a day at a Novice level will make 10 gm a day at Competant Level (L2). At the expert level (L3), income doubles thus the Competent Alchemist making 10 gm a day will make 20 gm a day as an Expert. At the Master level, income for a job doubles yet again so that the Expert Alchemist making 20 gm a day will make 40 gm a day once they become a Master. Note that this is base income. Finalized income is set by the attending Storyteller and may include extras such as a percentage of sold items, etc. Such percentages added to regular base income does not normally surpass 20% per skill level (rounded down). Thus if a character owned an alchemist shop, the storyteller may decide that the character would make an additional amount of money from sales and services. For the L1 Novice Alchemist making 7 gm, they would get an additional 1 gm from sale profits for a total of 8 gm per day. The L2 Competent Alchemist making 10 gm a day would get 12 gm a day after sales profits. The L3 making 20 gm a day would get 24 gm a day total while the Master making 40 would get 48 gm a day total. Remember that these are routine, everyday wages that do not take into account character discoveries, innovations, inventions and adventuring that may bring separate, less routine amounts of money.

Item Price Item Price Item Price
Sage Following the destruction of the Valterrian, books and other written works became rare. Those few who were lucky enough and educated enough to retain fragments of such work, passed it on over the years. Now, those who spend their time lost in the fragments of ancient knowledge work to record the present as well as advise current leaders of the past and how to shape the future. These sages are rare and highly valued in more civilized societies. (Must possess at least one skill at 51 plus a number of related lores. Please Help Desk requests for this occupation) 15 gm Cleric/Priest Religion is an important aspect of many a person's life. Because of this, the clergy is highly regarded by the populace often regardless of divine source. Churches, temples and shrines across the land often lend a hefty stipend to their clergy for their services. (L3 Gnosis required to attain this base salary. L3 Gnosis doesn't guarantee salary; must be an active, serving member of a church.) 13 gm Acolyte As with Priests, an Acoylte is a valued member of society and is more commonly encountered. They preach the word of their deity in the service of their church. (L2 Gnosis required to attain this base salary. L2 Gnosis doesn't guarantee salary; must be an active, serving member of a church.) 10 gm
Gemcutter TA gemcutter is one who works with gems and precious stones; cutting, shaping and polishing these elements into highly sought after items of immense value. (Must have the Jewelcrafting skill to gain access to this occupation.) 9 gm Armorer An Armorer is one who applies their skills toward the crafting of various types of armor. Most of what they work with involves some type of metal though materials such as leather, bone and hide are also common. (Must have the Armorer skill to gain access to this occupation) 8 gm Scientist/Gadgeteer A rare breed of individual on Mizahar, a Gadgeteer buries themselves in study, experimentation and creation of unique objects and ideas that border on supernatural. They are usually quite eccentric and often keep to themselves; though this is not always the case. (Must have the Gadgeteering skill along with all its listed requirements to qualify for this type of occupation. 8 gm
Locksmith Although not possessing the miraculous talents of ages past, current locksmiths nonetheless carry with them a special skill. In a time when security is more important than ever, those who can craft locks and related security devices are valued members of society. (Must have the Locksmithing skill to gain access to this occupation. 8 gm Surgeon/Doctor In a time when health and vitality are difficult to maintain, doctors and surgeons are always in need. Those possessing a number of skills, all doctors and surgeons are required to have the medicine skill though actual specialties may vary and are often decided by the type of medical-related lore one has. 8 gm Weaponsmith Those who take basic blacksmithing techniques and use them to craft weapons are valued by more militant societies though even more peaceful ones can benefit from the skills a weaponsmith possesses. (One must have the weaponsmithing skill to gain access to this occupation.) 8 gm
Alchemist Alchemists, though somewhat rare, find that their magical skills are quite valuable to those who can afford their services. While alchemists can earn a large number of mizas, the time, effort and materials required to perform their art is often restrictive when it comes to making profits. Because of this, their expected pay varies and depends on location, population, local economic strength and access to materials. (Must have the magic skill of Alchemy to gain access to this occupation.) 7-14 gm Healer Healers owe much of their talent and skill to the Goddess, Rak'eli. Though many also possess skill in medicine, they rely mostly on their gnosis. Those who only have the Healing gnosis can expect the base of 7 gold mizas. Those with related skills such as medicine or herbalism and related skills can expect more. 7-12 gm Poisoncrafter Though not as easy to find as a philterer or herbalist, a poisoncrafter is still a fixture in the shadows of society. There will always be a need to remove unwanted individuals without the use of bloody violence and there will always be a need to combat the countless numbers of natural poisons that threaten all living beings. (Must possess the Poison skill to gain access to this occupation.) 7 gm
Attorney As civilization begins to rebuild, the need for law and order is essential as is the need for those who understand the law. With the rebirth of institutions of law, so come the attorneys. Attorneys, sometimes known as advocates, work to prosecute as well as defend those who find themselves, for better or worse, in the grasp of locale justice systems. (Must possess one or more of the following skills to gain access to this occupation: politics, leadership, negotiation, intelligence, interrogation, persuasion, storytelling and some related lore.) 7 gm Brewer/Philterer Creating malt beverages or crafting a variety of potions and brews is a skill found across the land from well-established shops and inns to roadside carts and tents. (Must possess the brewing or philtering skill to gain access to this occupation.) 7 gm Metalsmith The metalsmith makes their living casting various types of metal and thus producing a variety of metal objects and components. Where a blacksmith primarily crafts tools and implements and a weaponsmith crafts weapons, a metalsmith crafts all things in between. 7 gm
Veterinarian Animals are an essential part of life and living in Mizahar. Horses, livestock, pets, all require health maintenance and it is the local veterinarian who helps. Although medicine and herbalism skills are extremely helpful, the primary skill of any vet is Animal Husbandry. It is this skill that is required above all others in order to gain access to this occupation. 6 gm Engineer/Architect While anyone can throw together a crude hut or tattered tent, it takes skill to build durable structures. More commonly found in cities or in societies who value durable buildings, engineers and/or architects are valued no matter they are located. (Architecture is required to gain access to this occupation although masonry and carpentry are also helpful.) 6 gm Cartographer Rare in a world where most people choose not to travel due to the dangers involved, those who can accurately create maps of cities and regions are still in need. Merchants and explorers often use maps to help them get around while cities often employ them to create and update maps used for city operations. 6 gm
Blacksmith Blacksmiths are a common fixture in nearly every city and surrounding villages. Responsible for the construction of tools and implements needed in every aspect of society, blacksmiths are relatively common but invaluable nonetheless. (Must have the black-smithing skill to gain access to this occupation.) 6 gm Beekeeper Beekeepers are somewhat rare outside of larger cities where demand for honey is greater. They tend to a number of hives and help maintain the health of their hives while harvesting as much sweet honey as they can. 6 gm Herbalist A bit more common than a doctor or philterer yet still highly regarded, herbalists are highly adept at crafting all manner of useful mixtures from various roots, herbs and flowers found throughout Mizahar. Because their talents are very useful in locales lacking doctors or healers, Herbalists are well-regarded in most societies. (Must have the herbalism skill to gain access to this occupation.) 6 gm
Falconer Those who train hawks, falcons and other large raptors are known as falconers. Such individuals train these birds to hunt, entertain and even protect. These individuals are often found employed by those with a specific taste for the unique.) 5 gm Hunter While most individuals living for extended periods away from the cities possess some survival/hunting skills, some people devote their lives to such things and in turn make a living off it selling meat, hides and other products of successful hunts. (Must possess the hunting skill to gain access to this occupation.) 5 gm Wilderness Guide As one travels away from the cities and into the wilds, their chances of survival diminish drastically. This is where the Wilderness Guide comes into play. These brave individuals make a living by guiding others through the wilds as they move from place to place. Even guides however seldom venture far from known, established paths. (Must possess the Wilderness Survival skill to gain access to this occupation although skills such as hunting are also valuable.) 5 gm
Woodcarver It takes a creative mind and skilled hand create art from wood. A wood carver crafts items from wood as simple as a basic lettered sign to something as advanced as a life-like wooden statue. 5 gm Assassin In a world where peace and civilization is broken, the prevalence of those who kill for others is high. While the actual deed of killing another can bring in a widely varied amount of mizas, there is often much more that goes into eliminating a target such as learning a target's schedule, behaviors, friends and family, etc. These too can bring an income as well. Like a mercenary, an assassin's income can vary. In even the most chaotic of societies, assassinations are often frowned on by some or all elements of the society. This can bring about dreadful consequences to the assassin if caught. (Must have either a combat related skill or Poison skill at L2 or greater as well as at least an L1 in Intelligence and be regularly employed to earn the listed income. Note that the listed base income will be adjusted to reflect the L2 skill requirements). 5-7 gm Mercenary (Advanced Missions) While not everyone can specialize in a specific skill or talent, there are many who offer a wider range of abilities to those with the money to pay for them. Mercenaries as they are often called, are hired for many things from bounty hunting to exploration and treasure/relic hunting. The things these individuals are called upon to do are often dangerous and potentially life-threatening. (Must have two combat related skills to gain access to this occupation.) 5-7 gm
Sailor Sailors come from all walks of life yet choose to make their way aboard a ship as part of a crew of individuals working for someone else. Wages for sailors vary and depend on their position among the crew. A captain of course will make more than a deckhand. Wages can be set by the ship's owner or captain but also can come from dividing up the ship's profits among the whole crew. 1-7 gm Groomer Found almost exclusively in cities employed by wealthy and/or influential people or at established bathhouses and high quality inns, professional groomers are a valued asset. Groomers perform duties such as bathing, perfuming, massaging and general grooming of others. (Although many skills and lore can aid in this occupation, skills such as massage and storytelling are useful yet so can be the skill of seduction.) 5 gm Guard Be it a town guard, city watch, constable or other named individual tasked to keep the peace, these individuals, while not as skilled as someone in a military position, do possess the necessary skills for combating crime in a city. (Must possess at least an L1 in a weapon and L1 in some form of unarmed combat. 5 gm
Altar Boy Altar Boy is just one name out of many that describes those who serve in the beginning ranks of a church. (L1 Gnosis required to attain this base salary. L1 Gnosis doesn't guarantee salary; must be an active, serving member of a church.) 4 gm Farmer Farming in Mizahar is not the industry it used to be before the Valterrian. Now, farmers operate small farms that they can work by themselves or with a handful of family members or hired laborers. Most cities employ a number of farmers to supply the people with adequate food. While it is possible to operate a large farm, the costs involved keep the potential profits in check and thus prevent a farm from growing too large. (Must have the agriculture skill to gain access to this occupation.) 4 gm Fisherman Like farming, fishing was once a thriving industry in the coastal cities of pre-Valterrian Mizahar. Now however, fishing far from being industrious. Fisherman make their living from streams, rivers and lakes as well as the coast. They sell/trade the majority of their catches to nearby cities though the need for fresh fish prevents fishermen from selling/trading large quantities. More than a fishingboat's worth of fish sold/traded in a city will cost the fisherman more from rot than profits would justify. (Must have the fishing skill to gain access to this occupation.) 4 gm
Fortune-teller Giving insight into one's future, be it legitimate or a farce, can bring joy or despair to those who have their fortunes told. In some cultures, fortune-tellers are taken more seriously than in others. 4 gm Performer/Bard Found in inns, taverns and town squares across Mizahar, performers, also known as bards, entertain people with all manner of skill. Busking, storytelling, acting and many other entertainment related skills can be found in use by a bard. (Must possess some form of entertainment skill to gain access to this occupation.) 4 gm Innkeeper Innkeepers are a mainstay of most cities. Catering to travelers and locals alike, the innkeeper offers lodgings, food and drink, stables and general comfort all under one roof. (Although innkeepers come from all walks of life and bring with them a variety of skills, Leadership is essential for managing employees or simply keeping the peace among patrons and is a required skill for gaining access to this occupation.) 4 gm
Shopkeeper Shops are an essential part of any city. They come in all shapes and sizes and offer countless goods and services to would-be customers. The skills required to operate a shop depend on what the shop specializes in. Some shops such as an herbalist shop, would fall under the herbalist occupation. A shop selling tools and implements would fall under a blacksmith. General stores selling a variety of wares or shops that do not require specific skills for the shop specialty, require the Leadership skill in order to access this occupation. 4 gm Tattoo Artist While anyone can scrawl some shapes on their skin with a bit of animal blood and their fingers, a tattoo artist is able to etch permanent works of art into one's flesh. 4 gm Bowyer/Fletcher In the time immediately following the Valterrian, good quality, well-maintained weapons were scarce in a world wrought with danger and death. Just above the most basic of weapons was the always reliable bow and arrow. If there was one weapon that can be said to have saved humanity from the brink of extinction, it would be the bow. (Must have the Fletcher/Bowing skill to gain access to this occupation.) 3 gm
Teacher/Instructor Those individuals who find themselves employed to teach and train others earn varying wages depending on the commonality of the skills they teach as well as the level at which they do so. Because of this, teachers and instructors receive pay based on the their level in the skill they teach which may be adjusted somewhat based on what that skill is. Those who have formal employment training in rare magical disciplines may have a base income much higher than someone teaching the basics of cooking. Income is granted at Storyteller discretion. 1-15 gm Thief/Bandit In a world where survival is the name of the game, a professional thief can make a pretty good living with their trade. Some cities however are easier to employ larceny skills than others. Speak to your Storyteller for actual wages. Greater rewards can be sought through individual threads. 1-4 gm Prostitute One of the oldest known professions, prostitutes of many races, genders and ages ply their trade in all rungs of society in nearly every established city across Mizahar. In a time when most struggle to survive, prostitutes sell themselves in hopes of doing just that. The lives of these people are seldom easy and more often than not, the job brings about an immense amount of risk; risk of disease, bodily harm and/or death. Average wage depends greatly on the location and clientele. On occasion, a prostitute can earn much greater amounts as some people are willing to pay great amounts of mizas for a night they will never forget. 1-4 gm
Bartender Working behind a bar in a tavern, bartenders pour drinks, in some cases serve food and of course listen to their patrons. The classic bartender pours a stiff drink and hears a patrons worries while occasionally offering a bit of advice. 3 gm Clerk One of a number of different occupations that are needed in a city yet require little skill, a clerk tends to a number of duties. A clerk is most often found serving in a support capacity in political institutes, schools and mercantile operations. Clerks assist shopkeepers in running their business, assist politicians in running their governments and aid merchants in tending to the books. (Although no skill is required to gain access to this occupation, a clerk may acquire skills related to the job they do and thus can use one of those skills to determine future wage progression.) 3 gm Cobbler Cobblers are adept at crafting all manner of footwear. Found in cities and surrounding villages, there is always employment for a cobbler. (Must have the Cobbling skill to gain access to this occupation.) 3 gm
Mason Masons are skilled in constructing buildings and other structures out of stone, brick or some other related material. Where the architect/engineer designs the structures, the masons put forth the manual labor to complete them. (Must have the Masonry skill to gain access to this occupation.) 3 gm Mercenary (Basic Missions) Mercenaries come in all shapes and sizes and possess all manner of useful skills. While not everyone can carry-out dangerous bounty hunts or explore long forgotten ruins filled with dangers in every corner, there is still need for caravan escorts, thugs to rough-up someone or general delivery missions. Such missions do not pay much but are widely available. (Nearly any skill can be valuable in basic mercenary duties although some skills tend to define a mercenary over others. At least one combat skill is required however to gain access to this occupation.) 1-3 gm Tanner A tanner is one who prepares animal hides and turns them into leather for a variety of uses. Although a common skill possessed by many people across the land, some make a living out of making leather for people from all walks of life. (Must have the tanning skill in order to gain access to this occupation. 3 gm
Scribe Scribes are most often found employed by sages, religious or political figures. They turn the spoken word into written works as well as copying existing writings. (Must have the Writing skill to gain access to this occupation.) 3 gm Cook Cooks make a living working for anyone from an innkeeper to a wealthy city official. Their ability to prepare food for consumption is what brings in some mizas although many cooks may sometimes find lodging from those they work for. (Must have the cooking skill to gain access to this occupation.) 2-3 gm Barmaid Barmaids are a common sight in any inn or tavern. Though anyone can serve a drink or carry a plate, a skilled barmaid brings beauty, personality and charm to the job. While there isn't a skill requirement to be a barmaid, one will not be able to advance in wages without at least one of the following: seduction, storytelling, persuasion, dance or any skill that lends to the service of customers. 1-2 gm
Groom Not to be confused with a Groomer, the Groom is one who tends a stable and cares for horses. While there isn't a skill requirement for this occupation, Animal Husbandry is needed to advance in wages. 1 gm Laborer A laborer is anyone who performs a job requiring little to no skill whatsoever. Farmhands, maids, errand-boys and general assistants all fall under laborer. No skill is required though wage advancement is not possible. 7 sm