Price list (Trade goods)
From Mizahar Lore
Legend: gm = gold Miza, sm = silver Miza, cm = copper Miza
1 gold Miza = 10 silver Miza = 100 copper Miza
Trade goods
Item | Price | Item | Price | Item | Price |
Copper | 5 sm/pound | Cosmetics, common | 1 cm–1 sm/oz. | Cosmetics, unusual | 2 sm–1 gm/oz. |
Cosmetics, rare | 2–10 gm/oz. | Cosmetics, exotic | 11–25+ gm/oz. | Dried goods, common | 1–5 sm/pound |
Dried goods, unusual | 6–15 sm/pound | Dried goods, rare | 15–25+ sm/pound | Fabric, common | 1 sm–1 gm/50lb. |
Fabric, fine | 2–10 gm/50lb. | Fabric, unusual | 11–25 gm/50lb. | Fabric, exotic | 26–50+ gm/50lb. |
Flour | 2 cm/pound | Furniture, plain | 1–5 gm/20lb. | Furniture, fine | 6–15 gm/20lb. |
Furniture, exotic | 15–25+ gm/20lb. | Furs and hides, common | 1–5 gm/20lb. | Furs and hides, unusual | 6–10 gm/20lb. |
Furs and hides, rare | 11–20 gm/20lb. | Furs and hides, exotic | 21–50 gm/20lb. | Furs and hides, monstrous | 51–200+ gm/20lb. |
Gold | 5 gm/pound | Iron | 1 sm/pound | Isurian Steel | 2 gm / pound |
Lumber, local | 1–10 gm/50lb. | Lumber, unusual | 11–25 gm/50lb. | Lumber, exotic | 26–50+ gm/50lb. |
Paints and dyes, common | 1 sm–1 gm/pound | Paints and dyes, unusual | 2–10 gm/pound | Paints and dyes, rare | 11–25 gm/pound |
Paints and dyes, exotic | 26–50+ gm/pound | Perfume, common | 1 sm–1 gm/oz. | Perfume, unusual | 2–10 gm/oz. |
Perfume, rare | 11–25 gm/oz. | Perfume, exotic | 26–50+ gm/oz. | Rugs and tapestries, common | 1–5 gm/5-15lb |
Rugs and tapestries, unusual | 6–10 gm/5-15lb | Rugs and tapestries, rare | 11–50 gm/5-15lb | Rugs and tapestries, exotic | 51–200+ gm/5-15lb |
Salt | 5 gm/pound | Silver | 3 gm/pound | Silk | 10 gm/sq.yd. |
Tea leaves | 2 sm/pound | Tobacco | 5 sm/pound | Wheat | 1 cm/pound |