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Multiple Characters

From Mizahar Lore

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In terms of multiple characters, the possibilities are endless.

In terms of Multiple Characters or having more than one PC at a time, Mizahar allows players to have up to five player characters at once. We recognize that some people do not enjoy sticking to one or two PCs, but like to move around and try out a whole host of different personalities and concepts to keep themselves busy. There are, however, several rules we expect people to follow when they enjoy playing with multiple PCs. They are as follows:

What Are The Multiple Character Rules?

  1. Individual players will not be restricted to the number of player characters they can have in one city (or domain) as long as that number doesn't exceed their total game-wide allowed total of five PCs.
  2. PC's who are owned by a singular player may be employed, related, and interact with other PCS owned by the same player. These PCs can earn wages, do business transactions, train, induct into magic, and enter into agreements or arrangements like marriage, slavery, co-housing etc.
  3. Upon death or retirement of a PC, any transfer of possessions or coin between PCs owned by the same player must be approved through the Help Desk. One item may be 'inherited' by surviving PC family members or friends upon the death of a PC so long as it is okayed by a moderator and doesn't fall into the 'large scale item' category of house, business, etc or are considered quest or artifact level items.
  4. Multiple PCs are often referred to as Alts.... short or Alternate PC.
  5. Alts (even if they are mod/PC combs) can be in the same thread at the same time without HD permission. Previously permission was required.
  6. PC alts of Moderators can interact in threads the same player's moderator posts. If we trust you to moderate, we trust you to stay honest in a moderated thread that contains your PC.
  7. Mods can grade the threads of their PCs.
  8. Players cannot have more than 5 accounts at any one given time.
  9. Two PCs from the same player cannot exchange goods or services without legitimate effort being put into the exchange. Thus one more experienced PC can't for example outfit an alt of another PC without that alt having earned the items in a fair manner or without having legitimate buying and selling taking place.

Non-Player-Characters or NPCs are not subject to these rules. They can follow around the PCs that have been given permission to use them as the player deems fit. All NPC usage and control must be cleared through the help desk unless they are being used as trainers or otherwise making solo appearances in threads and aren't 'companions' to player characters.

See Alt PC for more details.