Price list (Trade goods)
From Mizahar Lore
Legend: gm = gold Miza, sm = silver Miza, cm = copper Miza
1 gold Miza = 10 silver Miza = 100 copper Miza
Trade goods
Item | Price | Item | Price | Item | Price |
Copper | 5 sm/pound | Cosmetics, common | 1 cm–1 sm/oz. | Cosmetics, unusual | 2 sm–1 gm/oz. |
Cosmetics, rare | 2–10 gm/oz. | Cosmetics, exotic | 11–25+ gm/oz. | Dried goods, common | 1–5 sm/pound |
Dried goods, unusual | 6–15 sm/pound | Dried goods, rare | 15–25+ sm/pound | Fabric, common | 1 sm–1 gm/50lb. |
Fabric, fine | 2–10 gm/50lb. | Fabric, unusual | 11–25 gm/50lb. | Fabric, exotic | 26–50+ gm/50lb. |
Flour | 2 cm/pound | Furniture, plain | 1–5 gm/20lb. | Furniture, fine | 6–15 gm/20lb. |
Furniture, exotic | 15–25+ gm/20lb. | Furs and hides, common | 1–5 gm/20lb. | Furs and hides, unusual | 6–10 gm/20lb. |
Furs and hides, rare | 11–20 gm/20lb. | Furs and hides, exotic | 21–50 gm/20lb. | Furs and hides, monstrous | 51–200+ gm/20lb. |
Gold | 5 gm/pound | Iron | 5 sm/pound | Isurian Steel Isurian steel is a rare material created by the Isur of the Sultros Kingdom through a unique combination of iron and other components found within the mines they work. In its raw form, isurian steel is less valuable than gold or silver however once used to forge equipment, weapons and armor by an Isur smith its value is fully realized. (Found only in the mines of Sultros) | 2 gm / pound |
Lumber, local | 1–10 gm/50lb. | Lumber, unusual | 11–25 gm/50lb. | Lumber, exotic | 26–50+ gm/50lb. |
Paints and dyes, common | 1 sm–1 gm/pound | Paints and dyes, unusual | 2–10 gm/pound | Paints and dyes, rare | 11–25 gm/pound |
Paints and dyes, exotic | 26–50+ gm/pound | Perfume, common | 1 sm–1 gm/oz. | Perfume, unusual | 2–10 gm/oz. |
Perfume, rare | 11–25 gm/oz. | Perfume, exotic | 26–50+ gm/oz. | Rugs and tapestries, common | 1–5 gm/5-15lb |
Rugs and tapestries, unusual | 6–10 gm/5-15lb | Rugs and tapestries, rare | 11–50 gm/5-15lb | Rugs and tapestries, exotic | 51–200+ gm/5-15lb |
Salt | 5 gm/pound | Silver | 3 gm/pound | Silk | 10 gm/sq.yd. |
Tea leaves | 2 sm/pound | Tobacco | 5 sm/pound | Wheat | 1 cm/pound |