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Seasonal Experience Awards

From Mizahar Lore

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In Mizahar, Player Characters can also be awarded Seasonal Experience Awards based on their job or lifestyle. Seasonal Experience is awarded at a rate of 1 XP per each month of a season for a total of 3 XP. A bonus of 1 XP can be awarded for 'above and beyond' threading wherein a player character really roleplays their profession as a backdrop for their lifestyles and is incredibly active during that season. The most seasonal experience a person can be awarded is 4 XP. Seasonal Experience Awards need to be added to a Player Character's Storyteller Secrets thread and thus must be awarded by a Domain Storyteller who has access to these threads. Seasonal Experience Awards should not be awarded for threads in which the character roleplays their job and has already been awarded XP in their field.


Let's use the jewelcrafter example, considering that he or she's an easy one to go by. The Jewelcrafter, we'll call him Gem (no pun intended), does certain threads all season which qualify him not only for his wage but grants him XP in Jewelcrafting. Let's say he makes a locket in one thread, drills pearls out in another to make a pearl necklace, cuts a flawless emerald in another thread, and does three or four other commission piece threads for folks. In each of these threads, he's awarded Jewelcrafting XP.

Those threads don't count for seasonal XP. Why? You're just increasing his XP Award and in some cases doubling thread awards for which he's already got Jewelcrafting XP.

What does count? Say he does threads where he talks about his job, goes and gathers stones for his job, sets up trading deals for his job, researches the types of stones and their meanings, or takes his girlfriend to the shop to dress her in diamonds to give her a thrill and perhaps get lucky. These are threads where Gem uses his job as a backdrop for other threads: research, social, romance, and so on. But he's not getting XP for being a jewelcrafter from them. It's a reward for him being in character and him using his job to backdrop other threads. For this type of threading, a Domain Storyteller should award the full 3 XP plus 1 bonus XP for above and beyond for a total of 4 XP.