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Coral Manipulation

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“Our world is more alive than you can see.”

Coral manipulation is one of the most unique skills practiced in Mizahar. It is an exclusive skill and ability of the sea-dwelling Charodae. The actual term should not be understood as the reshaping coral for personal use. It is the growth, care, and nurturing of a living being unique to the ocean waters. Contrary to popular belief, coral manipulation is not a magical ability. The Charodae, having dwelt in the water even before the Valterrian, have become biologically adept in shaping the coral to their needs. The Charodae have used this ability to expand their claim over the ocean floor and to reconstruct their city after damage sustained during the Valterrian.


History and Nature

Coral manipulation has been a skill accessible to Charodae since the start of their existence. A popular belief among the Charodae is that the ability was gifted from Caiyha and Laviku. Rather than a common craft, coral manipulation stems from a link between the djed of both Charodae and corals. The Charodae are able to attract and coax the djed of coral. The link between djed is magnetic in a sense, rather than control and change like personal magics. Since its earliest uses, coral manipulation has been used in making basic shelters and more demanding projects, such as the city of Charbosi. More than a city, establishments such as [wiki]Charbosi[/wiki] are their own reef biomes, which house hundreds of species of reef dwelling animals and plants in addition to the Charodae who build them. Despite this gift to accelerate the growth of all kinds of coral, there is a unique species popularly used for construction among the amphibious Charodae. This coral grows with a hardened exoskeleton, allowing for structures to be built in their full strength immediately, as opposed to waiting for the coral’s life cycle to end. With this particular coral species, the Charodae have accomplished magnificent feats of architecture. Coral manipulation, at higher levels, even permits the growth of new reefs by coral transplants. After the hundreds of years in practice of this skill, the Charodae have even shown coral species life in waters they never knew before, further down from the sunlight, and far from the Myrians…

Cultural Impact

Because the ability to manipulate coral is unique to the Charodae it has a significant cultural impact on the race. The greatest impact in society is shelter. With this skill, the Charodae erected their cities and homes to make life more suitable in the ocean depths. Coral manipulation is more than a hobby or magic trick, but a way of life. It is in constant use to maintain, expand, and improve settlements. Secondly, coral manipulation can serve as an art form in sculpting. Because coral manipulation is a common practice in the lives of many Charodae, there is no formal learning center. Self improvement comes from trial and error; an individual can explore his or her own limits. Secondary sources of learning come from more experienced Charodae on the “how-to” of coral manipulation. The same goes for most secondary helping skills such as architecture; lessons are passed down through generations to continue the practice. No age group is neglected in practicing this ability. The sooner a Charoda takes up interest, the sooner progress can be pursued. There are, of course, individuals who excel at this skill above all others. Oftentimes, they are expected to continue learning under the tutelage of other Charodaen elders. This apprenticeship serves to ensure the continuation of Charodaean tradition. There are currently no written texts to explain the teachings; all information is passed down by word of mouth and first-hand experience.


Coral manipulation is an innate ability of the Charodae, and therefore lacks prerequisites. However, as an individual skill of coral manipulation grows, so do his or her needs of other skills and lore. To ensure the stability and endurance of larger constructs, additional building-based skills should be considered. Architecture skills will aid a shaper to create safe and stable establishments for longer lasting structures. Artistic skills, such as sculpting, will also aid in shaping the coral to more aesthetic purposes, even beyond the natural appearance of the coral. Lores of different coral species and aquaculture also allow for more complex reefs with variety of color and structure. Caiyha’s gift, Phylonura, is also a treasured gnosis in maintain a healthy reef beyond the visual appearance. Despite the growth of coral being a genetic occurrence to the Charodae, it remains physically taxing on the user’s body. This exhaustion is best described as a general soreness of the body, though it is usually acute in the arm muscles. Because there is no true manipulation of djed, and coral manipulation is not magical in nature, the exhaustion experience should not be mistaken for overgiving. This exhaustion is typically overcome with time management in constructs. There’s not necessarily need to rush such things. The ability to manipulate coral is purely biological, though the life force is apparent and in motion in all things.

Additional Notes

Nuit that inhabit a Charoda’s body do not have access to the ability.

Skill Progression

Novice (1-25)
Novice level

The Charoda is relatively unfamiliar with the nature of the ability to manipulate any species of coral. The extent of the ability is limited to encouraging growth of the coral at sub-standard rates. Growing a small piece of coral a number of centimeters, or growing for the duration of about an hour, takes its toll of on the shaper’s body, forcing them to quit in states of exhaustion. Progression into the skill allows slight increases in growth rates, and eventually the ability to direct and shape the coral. The shaper is limited to manipulating rooted corals alone. Small constructs like combs and pots are feasible and encouraged.

Competent (26-50)
Competent level

Manipulation of coral feels simpler and more natural. The Charoda can grow coral at approximately triple the accelerated rate of a novice. Shaping coral is best kept simple: basic spirals and shapes. Complex shapes are still experimental and the shaper must be conscious of maintaining structures suitable for the coral’s natural existence. Exhaustion appears after several hours of growing and shaping coral. Projects such as small buildings and archways are feasible, so long as the factor of time is considered. Competent users can also take new pieces of coral from existing reefs and transplant them, so long as the anchor is agreeable and conducive to the new coral. It has to align - it ‘’’cannot’’’ be mismatched. The Chaorda may begin to progress towards greater growth speeds and complex shapes, much like the grand structures of Charbosi.

Expert (51-75)
Expert level

An expert has learned all there is to growing and shaping coral, but there’s still room for improvement. Complex shapes and buildings are both projects pursued by experts. Coral can be grown at nearly five times the accelerated rate of a novice. The expert can now turn away from the basics of his structure and focus on the details of the coral’s shape and texture in localized regions. Exhaustion becomes evident after the typical work day at a normal pace, or approximately eight hours. Exhaustion, however, can surface at a swifter pace if a Charoda pushes him or herself at too fast or too long. The limits of the Charoda begin to dissolve as they come closer to mastering the skill.

Master (76-100)
Master level

The corals welcome the suggestions of the Charoda as if they are their own. Master coral manipulators are responsible for the whole of Charbosi’s structure and elaborate design. Detail becomes an immediate fact without much thought; if the shaper can visualize it and guide the coral’s djed, it will form. Rates and ability extension of masters are limited to that of the coral’s nutrients and the shaper’s personal endurance. Masters can begin entirely new reefs from single buds given the time. At a master level, a Charoda can continue to transplant ‘’’mismatched coral’’’, adjusting the coral itself to adapt to it. The ocean’s surface is the limit, so long as the structure is stable.